Fear: The Beginning


Fear may seem like something that is there to keep you safe.  In my world, it definitely is but it is also something that paralyzes me.  I think that I fear things on a daily basis and sometimes they are things that keep me from making mistakes or getting into bad situations.  Sometimes over-thinking certain fears end up making a decision even more difficult to make because all options become unfavorable.  More regularly though they are things that keep me from experiencing great opportunities.  I fear a lot of social aspects of life like parties, meeting new people, and holding conversations with people. These are things that I’m going to need to get over if I want to have a well-rounded life. Being fearful of social interactions greatly impairs my creativity because creativity comes from sharing and learning from people.  I’m also nervous to try new things because it gives me a chance to look stupid or like I don’t know what I’m doing.  But who really knows what we’re doing anyway.  I really think most of my fears are ones that keep me from good experiences rather than bad ones.  I’ve stayed away from drugs and alcohol because of my slight “social anxiety” which is good for me, but it also makes it hard to fit in sometimes.  Even though I could go to parties and decide not to participate, I don’t enjoy being around drugs or alcohol which limits me from being a “normal” college student.  My fears also limit me from getting close to people because I don’t want to get hurt and I don’t want to deal with the pain when we go our separate ways.

When I share my fear project to the class, I don’t expect any sudden reactions.  Instead I’m expecting the class to spend a little time thinking during my presentation and share their thoughts with the class.

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